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Murat I

Yet his work was not yet at an end. Two important tasks still stay ahead: conquering Serbia and raising Adrianople to the dignity of a capital (1362). After Ikonya and Bursa it was the third city in which the Sultan established his seat. But none of these cities was ever considered the final Royal Seat. They were simply stations on the inexorable westward advance of the Turks.
After the Serbian Tribe was defeated in 1371 their leader acknowledged the overlordship of the Ottoman Empire and agreed to pay 50 okkas of silver to the Sultan. He also agreed to send troops to fight for the Empire as and when needed. Following this victory Murad I returned to Bursa and married his son, Bayazid, to Solyman Shah's daughter, receiving Kutalya, Tavshanh, Simav and Emet as dowry.

The Battle of Kosovo (1389)
After taking possession of Anatolia, Murad I crowned his life's work by conquering Serbia. It was a rapid and ruthless campaign, culminating in the Battle of Kosovo Polye (also called "Blackbird Field"), in which Murad and the Serbian King, Lazar, stood face to face. Abandoned by the Occident, the Serbian knights were decisively defeated in 1389. The Turkish chroniclers describes the battle as follows: "Rivers of blood lent the diamond swords the hue of hyacinths and the glittering metal of the lances became rubies. Great numbers of severed heads and unravelled turbans had made the battlefield into a calourful field of tulips." At least sixty thousand men died that day. When it became apparent that the Serbians had lost and that King Lazar had been taken captive, Serbian sources relate that a Serbian nobleman, Milos Obilic, rushed with ten men into Murad's tent and thrust his dagger into the Sultan's breast. He was executed on the spot. King Lazar was dragged before the dying Murad and also executed. Thus the expiring Sultan had the satisfaction of seeing his enemy die before he himself did so.

His son, Bayazid I (1389-1402), who had fought in the front ranks, succeeded to the throne that very night. Murad's mortal remains were brought back to Bursa and interred in a splendid mosque.
Tribes such as the Menteske and Hamid Oghoullari seized the opportunity to declare war on the Ottoman Empire but Bayazid the Yilderim (Lightning) quickly moved against them and put an end to their challenge. Beysheheer was ceeded to the Empire and peace was declared.

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