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Abdal : a name sometimes given to itinerant dervishes.
Acemi : a novice
Acemi Oğlan : a novice in the page-school of the Palace; a conscript later to join theJanissary corps
Adaletname : A sultanic rescript, redressing the malpractices of a provincial authority
Ağa : master ; head servant of a household.
Ahi : Leader of a semi-religious fraternity of late Seljuk and early Ottoman times
Akçe : A silver coin, the chief unit of account in the Ottoman Empire
Akritai : the Byzantine frontier troops
Avariz : extra-ordinary taxes levied on the reaya in times of emergency.
Baba : The head of Bektashi Lodge
Bailo : a Venetian ambassador to Constantinople
Baş Kadın : the first women of the Palace harem.
Bedestan : a covered market for the sale of valuable goods
Bektashi Order : a dervish order founded by Hacci Bektash Veli
Bey : prince, ruler of an independent principality
Beylerbeyi : governer of beylerbeylik
Beylerbeyilik : a province, the largest administrative unit in the Ottoman Empire
Beylik : any district or principality governed by a bey

Biat : the oath of allegiance to a new sultan, sworn by a group representing the Islamic Community
Birun :

the outer section of the Sultan's palace.

Cariye : 'slave girl', the lowest degree in the hierarchy of the palace Harem
Chashnigir Bashi : the chief of sultan's taster
Chavus : an offcial of the Palace, often sent to the provinces to convey and execute orders
Cebelu : an armed retainer, brought to war by a timar-holding sipahi

Celali : a rebel aganist the goverment in sixteenth century Anatolia
Çift : a unit of agricultural, varying in size from 60 to150 donums
Çift bozan akçesi : 'farm-breaker's tax'
Çift Resmi : farm tax
Çıkma : the graduation of the içoglans to military or further Palace service
Cizye : the pool-tax paid be non-muslims
Danishmend : a specialist student in a higher medrese.
Darulharb : 'the adobe of war', non-islamic lands
Darulİslam : 'the adobe of islam' , islamic lands
Defterdar : a head of treasury
Devsirme : the levy of Christian children to be trained for posts in the Palace, theadministration, or the Kapikulu corps
Divan-i Humayun : 'imperial council', the grand vizier's council and the cental organ of the Ottoman Goverment
Emlak : property, real estate
Enderun : the inner section of the Sultan's Palace
Esnaf : small traders
Eyalet : a province
Fen : a practical art or science
Ferman : an edict of the Sultan
Fetwa : a written answer to a legal question
Gaza : Holy War on behalf of Islam
Gazi : a warrior fighting on behalf of Islam

Grand Vizier( Vezir-i Azam)

: the chief vizier

Halife : Caliph, appointed successor.
Hanafite School : on of the four legal schools of Sunni Islam.
Haraç : a poll-tax paid by non-Muslims.
Harem : women's apartments in a Muslim household.

Harem Ağası : the chief black eunuch of the Palace
Has : a domain of the sultan, prince of the blood, yielding an annual revenue of more than one Hundred thousand akçes
Haseki : a women in the palace, receving the Sultan's special favours
Has Oda : the Sultan's Privy Chamber
Has Odalik : 'imperial concubine'
Hazine : the Treasury
Hutbe : the sermon following the Friday prayerin which the sultan's name was mentioned
Icma : the consensus of opinion as the basis for the formulation of a legal practice
Icoğlanı : a devsirme boy
Imaret : a complex of public buldings supported by a vakif.
Ispence : the name of the cift resmi as paid by Christians
Janissaries : the Sultan's standing infantry corps, recruited from the Devshirme and paid from the treasury.
Kadı : a judge administering both seriat and kanun
Kadıasker : a highest judicial authority of the empire after the seyhulislam
Kafes : an apartment in the Palace in which a royal prince was secluded
Kahya Bey : the grand vizier's agent in military and political matters
Kalfa : a senior clerk in the bureaucracy
Kanun : a secular law or laws issued by the Sultan.

Kanun-i Osmani : the legal code of the Ottoman sultans
Kanunname : a code of laws; a collection of sultanic laws
Kapi : 'gate' , 'porte' , ottoman goverment
Kapikulu : 'slave of the Porte', a devsirme or slave employed in military, administative or Palace Service
Kapudan-i Derya : the grand admiral of the Ottoman fleet
Kethuda : steward, agent, representative of an organization to the goverment
Kiler : the office of the palace larder
Kul : a slave of the sultan
Levend : a landless and unemployed person
Medrese : a higher institute of Muslim education.

Miri : belonging to the goverment
Molla : title given to senior members of the ulema
Müderris : the chief teacher of a medrese

Müfti : an offically appointed interpreter of the seriat
Mülk : freehold property
Mürit : a novice
Müteferrika : one of an elite group in the palace formed from the sons of pashas
Osmanli : Ottoman
Pronoia : a military fief in the Byzantine Empire and its successor states
Reaya : the tax-paying subjects of the Ottoman Empire
Sanjak : the chief administrative unit of the Ottoman Empire, governed by a Sanjak Beyi

Sarica : a provincial militia equiped with fire arms
Silahdar : a custodian of the sultan's weapons
Sipahi : a cavalryman holding a timar in the provinces in return for military service

Şeriat : the secred law of Islam
Şeyh : a popular religious leader
Şeyhulislam : the head of the hierarchy of ulema
Tarikat : mystic religious order
Tekke : a lodge of a dervish order
Timar : a fief with an annual valueof less than twenty thousand akçes, whose revenues were held in return for military sevice
Tuğra : the sultan's offical monogram, attached to state documents to confirm their legality
Tuccar : merchants
Ulema : the doctors of Muslim canon law.
Usta : a master in a craft guild or the bureaucracy.
Vakfiye : the deed of endowment of a vakif
Vakif : a grant of land or other source of revenue given in mortmain for pious purposes
Valide Sultan : the mother of the reigning Sultan
Vezir : a minister of the Sultan and member of the imperial court
Voynik : a slav warrior in Ottoman service

Yasa : a code of laws in ancient Turkish tradition
Yürük : a Turkish nomad in Anatolia
Zaviye : a dervish hospice
Zeamet : a military fief, with an annual value of twenty to one hunderd thousand akçes.

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