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Cariye : 'slave girl', the lowest degree in the hierarchy of the palace Harem
Chashnigir Bashi : the chief of sultan's taster
Chavus : an offcial of the Palace, often sent to the provinces to convey and execute orders
Cebelu : an armed retainer, brought to war by a timar-holding sipahi

Celali : a rebel aganist the goverment in sixteenth century Anatolia
Çift : a unit of agricultural, varying in size from 60 to150 donums
Çift bozan akçesi : 'farm-breaker's tax'
Çift Resmi : farm tax
Çıkma : the graduation of the içoglans to military or further Palace service
Cizye : the pool-tax paid be non-muslims
Danishmend : a specialist student in a higher medrese.
Darulharb : 'the adobe of war', non-islamic lands
Darulİslam : 'the adobe of islam' , islamic lands
Defterdar : a head of treasury
Devsirme : the levy of Christian children to be trained for posts in the Palace, theadministration, or the Kapikulu corps
Divan-i Humayun : 'imperial council', the grand vizier's council and the cental organ of the Ottoman Goverment

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